Alex Swiger

Alex Swiger

3D Generalist

What is your role and primary responsibilities at ADM?  

I’m a 3D Generalist! I work to make sure all parts of the pipeline are running smoothly, and tackle both medical and forensic projects since I was an intern.

What specific skills or expertise do you bring to your role, and how do they align with ADM’s goals and values?

I came to ADM a month after I graduated with my BFA in Computer Animation with some prior experience in medical animation, but the early stages of my career have absolutely been shaped by ADM’s mission to provide quality animations and exhibits to clients to settle their cases.

Are there any milestones or accomplishments you’re particularly proud of?

Definitely graduating and finishing a thesis film with my two partners! I was not the strongest animation student when I first started at Ringling, but I put in a great amount of work to get where I am today that I can look back and be proud of!

What interests or hobbies do you pursue outside of work?

I sculpt all the time! Whether it’s with clay or in digitally in Zbrush, I love improving my modeling skills and taking classes where I can. I also really love to cook and bake – Brigadeiro is something my household rarely goes without.

Do any of your personal passions influence your work or approach to your role?

A lot of the people around me growing up were involved in some sort of medical field when I was younger. I saw the doctor a lot as a kid, and found myself in the hospital a decent amount, so I learned a lot about that industry and gained an appreciation and interest in it through firsthand experience.

What is your approach to problem-solving or handling challenges in your role?

I’ll always try to problem solve it on my own first – Technical art knowledge and being able to read logs and script is usually beneficial for troubleshooting issues with my files. If I can’t figure it out, I go to whatever demo, book, or database I can access, and if that doesn’t do the trick, I don’t think there’s any shame in asking a coworker.

How do you collaborate with other team members or departments?

As generalists, we’re constantly jumping from on project to project and collaborating with each other. Being able to understand all parts of the pipeline makes for seamless transitions!

Can you share a specific instance where your work positively impacted a client or project?

I always feel rewarded when a project settles and our client reaches out to thank us for our hard work after! It feels good to know that our animations are able to help someone during a time where they’ve experience something life-altering and are seeking closure.

Are there any areas or skills you are looking to further develop?

I’d definitely like to continue developing my skills in texturing and look development!

Are there any fun or surprising facts about yourself that you’d like to share?

Originally, my career aspirations involved composing music for animation, but I found myself learning how to draw a bit later into high school and couldn’t get enough. I still play piano when I can, but going into a visually artistic field was definitely the right choice for me.


  • Where do you work from: Northern California!
  • Favorite Pringles flavor: Sour Cream and Onion
  • Top Bucket List Item: I’d love to see the flowers at Mt. Rainier!
  • Person you’d have lunch with right now: My dog, Yoshi. I miss him!